Feb 12, 2008

bye-bye brown bag blues.

Now, don't be sad.

I am not; authoring this blog has been a lovely endeavor, and has kept me on my toes.

The only problem is, my toes are tired. Instead of maintaining two blogs, I have decided to focus on just one, my original blog: www.talkoftomatoes.com.

Another reason to downsize my blogging commitments: there is a good chance I will be starting culinary school in the next few months. Something I will no doubt talk and talk about on my blog Talk of Tomatoes.

I still love the idea of Brown Bag Blues. I had a blast coming up with the idea and filling up this humble little blog with tiny size solutions for the lunch hour. All is not lost. If you enjoy this blog, note that:

  1. At least for now, I will leave this blog and all of its' ideas intact. So even though I won't be posting regularly, the ideas will live on.
  2. I have implemented a Brown Bag Blues category on my Talk of Tomatoes blog. Because I love to play around with food, a lot of recipes are developed for entertaining and dinners, but that doesn't mean I leave lunch out. I will post ideas for lunches in this new category; often it will include a recipe.
  3. This idea for Brown Bag Blues will stay with me; if it finds its feet again---elsewhere---I will let you know.
  4. THANK YOU for reading this blog; it warms my heart. Blogging is not about listening to oneself ramble, it is about reaching readers. You made it meaningful; please join me on my other blog!
Cheers, and thank you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't worry - we understand! and most of us [definitely myself] are probably jealous you may be starting culinary school! best of luck with that, a fabulous opportunity... would love to have you stop by my new blog some time.



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